Algebra I Standards
Mathematical Processes
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Mathematics Curriculum Standards
3102 - Algebra I Internet Resources
- Geometric Terms - this Quia quiz contains four activities - matching, flash cards, concentration, and a word search puzzle - which reinforce students vocabulary concerning angles.
- Maths Dictionary for Kids - over 600 common mathematical terms and math words in simple language
- Math Glossary - math terms, this link goes to the page with terms beginning with "A"
- Mathwords: Terms and Formulas from Beginning Algebra to Calculus - An interactive math dictionary with enough math words, math terms, math formulas, pictures, diagrams, tables, and examples to satisfy your inner math geek. Terms are organized alphabetically or by subject.
- English-Spanish List of Math Terms - no definitions, just a list of spanish words that match the english terms
- Math Terminology - three pages of math terms from Math Cats in a Jeopardy like format; read the definition of the term, to see the term put your cursor over the mixed up letters on the right
- Multimedia Math Glossary - this is a K-6 site, but offers some good illustrations and a few animations
- Patterns in Mathematics - from Annenberg/CPB Math and Science Project - Visit the lab to explore logic patterns, number patterns, and word patterns.
- Distance = Rate X Time - Click on New Problem and continue to click next step to see how to solve the problem. The next time through try to determine what the next step woujld be before you click on the next step button.
- Distance-Rate-Time, Conversions, and Bullfighting - [NCCTM lesson plan] use the distance equation to make calculations, as well as use proportions to make conversions
- Distance, Rate, and Time - explanation with several examples from Ask Dr. Math
- Distance Rate and Time Word Problems - [4 page document] Ten DRT word problems on two pages to print for your students - answers are on pages 3 and 4
- Distance Word Problems - two pages of explanation and examples from Purple Math
- Fly By Math - Distance-Rate-Time Problems in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - five separate problems each with associated handouts and videos
- Line Up With Math - Math based decisions in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - This site has an overview, an interactive air traffic simulator and six problems
- Practice Problems - Try a workout of 10 problems. If you don't get at least 8 correct on your first attempt, review "In Depth" and try again.
- Problem Solving: Distance, Rate, Time - This page contains an interactive applet to help students better understand the link between the visual and graphical approaches to the time, rate, distance problem and its algebraic solution.
- Rate - work through the lesson, experiment with the interactive figure and then answer ten questions [caution: do not submit until you have selected answers to all of the questions]
- Rate and Average Rate of Speed - explanation and examples
- Density Demonstration: Coke vs Diet Coke - lab activity, with associated picture, that would make a good real-world activity for a math or science class
Density Review - [14 slides] review of density, several problems to work, several slides showing pictures of layers of liquids of different densities
- Disaster Math - Six sets of math quizzes; Earthquake Math, Hurricane Math, Tornado Math, Wild Fire Math, Winter Storm Math, and Flood Math.
- Fly By Math - Distance-Rate-Time Problems in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - five separate problems each with associated handouts and videos
- Hot or Not Activity - Temperature Conversion Worksheet - delete question one (related to another activity) and you will have twelve temperature conversion peoblems for your students
- Half-Life Worksheet - ten sample problems for your students plus a digram explaining how to visualize the calculation of half-life
- Half-Life Worksheet - a table with sample half-life periods is given, another table is for students to fill in answers. The two tables are followed by seven word problems
- Line Up With Math - Math based decisions in Air Traffic Control designed for grades 5-9 - This site has an overview, an interactive air traffic simulator and six problems
- Manifest Density - [the pun is bad but the unit plan packet is great] - a 41 page unit plan with many good activities for math or science classes
- Mass, Volume, and Density - links to six activities, each of which require student responses from the Math and Science Activity Center of EdInformatics
- Mass, Volume, and Density Assessment - Two assessment quizzes are available each containing 10 questions each based on the topics contained in the Mass, Volume Density Module above.
- Problem Sets - Problem sets are currently available for the following topics in Mechanics (Physical Science). Each problem set consists of 25-35 problems which vary in difficulty. A problem set includes the problems, a concealed answer which can be revealed by clicking a button, and an audio-guided solution.
- Rate - work through the lesson, experiment with the interactive figure and then answer ten questions [caution: do not submit until you have selected answers to all of the questions]
- Temperature Conversion Worksheet - there's a table to fill out and several conversion problems; Fahrenheit to Celsius and Celsius to Fahrenheit
- Temperature Conversions - this explanation of how to convert from one temperature scale to another is followed by four printable worksheets and four online quizzes to practice the skill
- Essential Steps of Problem Solving in Mathematical Sciences - Learning how to solve problems in mathematics is simply to know what to look for.
- Five Steps to Improve Mathematics Problem Solving Skills - suggestions from a tutor site
- Math Word Problems - the do's and dont's of teaching problem solving in math
- Problem Solving in Mathematics - a ThinkQuest entry written by students
- Solving Math Word Problems - explanation and exercises
- Activities at Illuminations - Illuminations has over 100 activities available. Select which types of activities you’re looking for, and click Search.
- Base 10 Blocks - virtual manipulative
- Colored Chip Models - use manipulatives to model addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with positive and negative integers [includes two practice problems]
- Creating Congruent Triangles - materials needed: rulers and protractors
[This expired page is brought to you by the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
- Electronic Examples - index of manipulatives from NCTM
- GeoBoard - this two-part example describes activities that use interactive geoboards
- Integer Bars - learning fractions and more with on-line manipulatives
- Math Playground - a small but growing collection of manipulatives for teaching and learning
- Measuring Angles - use a virtual protractor
- Measuring Angles - Practice lining up and reading a protractor while you measure a set of angles in a fun learning activity
- National Library of Virtual Manipulatives Home - select topic and grade level to find appropriate manipulatives
- Pattern Blocks Program - use tools to solve a variety of problems
- Tangrams - interactive geometry site
- Virtual Protractor - ten online activities investigating angles
- Wolfram Demonstrations Project - a free resource of interactive visualizations from elementary education to the frontiers of research
- Algebra vs the Cockroaches - determine the slope of the line that cockroaches are crawling along to destroy them
Bell work PowerPoint show - Slope of a line [This expired file is brought to you by the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
Equation of Lines - a PowerPoint show [This expired file is brought to you by the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
- Equation of a Line: Slope-Intercept Form - An interactive applet that will help you visualize how changing the values for the slope, m, and the y-intercept, b, will affect the graph of the equation y = mx + b.
- Equation of a line: Slope Intercept Form - Adjust the sliders at the site. They control the slope (m) and the intercept (b) of the line. The equation and the line will change accordingly. You can also drag the origin.
- Find the graph that best matches the linear equation - sven multiple choice questions
Graphing a Linear Inequality - a seven slide PowerPoint show
- Graphing Linear Inequalities - explanation from Purple Math (much easier than your book makes it look)
- Linear Equation Test - Can you work out the answers? Use the multiple choice boxes or the radio buttons to select your answer.
- Linear function - move your cursor to the green block to select step 1
- Linear function and Graph - move your cursor over the green block to see lesson 1 or lesson 2
Linear Function Jeopardy - in the form of a PowerPoint show [This expired file is brought to you by the Internet archive, the Wayback Machine.]
- Linear Functions Part A: Basics: Slope and Intercept Part B: Finding the Equation of a Line
- Practice from The coordinate plane, Slope and y-intercept, and Graphing linear equations.
- Practice with Solving Inequalities - six questions, answers are in pull down boxes
- Straight Line Equations: Slope Intercept Form - a three page lesson on Purple Math
Use Excel to Create a Scatter Plot - a step by step tutorial
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Number & Operations [Grades 9-12]
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